Chapter 2 - Rebellion
2.1:- Mr Jones is drinking heavily.
- His animals have not been fed.
- They break into the storage shed
Quick Check
- Who was drinking too much?
- Which animal first broke into the storage shed?
2.2: Celebration
- The rebellion has been successful and Jones has gone.
- The animals find cruel tools in the harness room and destroy them.
- They nervously enter the farmhouse.
Quick Check
- How did most animals feel about the farmhouse?
- Who said ’No animal can ever live in the farmhouse”?
2.3: Seven Commandments
- Snowball declares seven new ‘commandments’ for the renamed Animal Farm.
- The pigs arrange for the cows to be milked.
- Extra milk mysteriously disappears.
- What is the new name of the farm?
- Name three of the commandments.
- What do you think happened to the extra milk?
Text: 2.3 Commandments
Adapted by Kieran McGovern English language level (A2/B1) Original text here.
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