Chapter 2 - Rebellion

  • Mr Jones is drinking heavily.
  • His animals have not been fed.
  • They break into the storage shed

Quick Check
  1. Who was drinking too much?
  2. Which animal first broke into the storage shed?

2.2: Celebration
  • The rebellion has been successful and Jones has gone.
  • The animals find cruel tools in the harness room and destroy them.
  • They nervously enter the farmhouse.

Quick Check
  1. How did most animals feel about the farmhouse?
  2. Who said ’No animal can ever live in the farmhouse”?

2.3: Seven Commandments
  • Snowball declares seven new ‘commandments’ for the renamed Animal Farm.
  • The pigs arrange for the cows to be milked.
  • Extra milk mysteriously disappears.
Quick Check
  1. What is the new name of the farm?
  2. Name three of the commandments.
  3. What do you think happened to the extra milk?

Text: 2.3 Commandments

Adapted by Kieran McGovern English language level (A2/B1) Original text here.